Sorry Gooners, you’re not going to like this, Blues fans however, will.
Cole, who has won two league titles under Arsene Wenger over the course of a shining career, admitted during ITV show ‘Play to the Whistle’ that he has no regrets and when asked further by comedian and big time Gooner Romesh Ranganathan, Cole conceded he still has a chuckle at the way the history of it panned out.
Asked by host Holly Willoughby if he regretted the move, Cole said: ‘No.
‘I had a great time there. I miss, of course, the old players that was there when I was there.
‘But, listen, I moved on and I won every trophy I wanted to, I could. So, I wouldn’t look back and say I regretted it, no.’
Watch Ashley Coles reaction to being asked about the ‘Cashley Cole’ saga: