Gary Neville reacts to Manchester City’s ban – and he believes that they will fight their way through this rough patch.
Asked about his thoughts on City’s ban, Neville told Sky Sports: ‘I think it will be overturned. I have no confidence in UEFA to be honest with you to do the right thing.
‘I think ultimately Manchester City will fight it, I think they’ll win. But that remains to be seen.
‘If City don’t win it will be a big problem for them, because two years out in the wilderness – at a point when they’re still growing in the Champions League, they’re still trying to cement their position. They really have struggled in that competition and found it difficult.
‘To lose momentum when they are actually starting to get a little bit nearer would be a big problem for them. ‘I don’t buy into the fact that players will leave and they’ll all end up wanting to move away from Manchester. I think they’ll show a level of patience the ones who see it as long-term.
‘But it does cause them a problem from a perception point of view. But I think they’ll fight it hard.
‘And as I say I’ve got no faith in UEFA to handle this case correctly. Why should we? They’ve handled enough things badly over the years when it comes to disciplinary issues.’
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