Tottenham reverse furlough decision

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Tottenham reverse furlough decision


Diptanil Roy

Daniel Levy reversed his decision to furlough the non-playing staff at Tottenham Hotspur!

The news came after there were a huge uproar and unrest amongst the Spurs’ supporters asking Levy to undo his previous actions of sanctioning the furlough.

In a time of this global pandemic, big companies were expected to show humanity and support their own if not others. However, Tottenham boss Levy, stayed true to his cheap character and decided to furlough his staff, putting their futures and lives and finances into jeopardy without any consideration.

The move was not a masterstroke from a financial point either since the money saved is not a considerable amount when compared to how much the players earn or the business of Levy. It was Levy being Levy and trying to chase his greed for money over human lives.

Since then, Spurs came under intense scrutiny and pressure and their supporters have now forced their club to trackback on their decision and reverse the furlough.

Levy will probably not be a happy man but even from his business standpoint, he will know its better to lose some money now than a lot more by turning against the fans.

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