Shalke midfielder Lewis Holtby has claimed to be an admirer of the english way of playing. With the german international entering the final year of his contract, a number of permier league clubs have been alerted of the situation, including Liverpool, Everton, Manchester United and Arsenal.
Although the english sounding midfielder maybe a great asset to any club in the premier league, fans might see him as somewhat of a judas. Indeed having an english father and then deciding to play for the old enemy seems to be an odd decision, it has so far paid off for Holtby, having captained the german under 21 team and scoring 9 goals in 15 games. Since then, he has made his full international debut for the german first team, which makes him inelegible to play for England.
Known as “Lucky” by the german media, Holtby claims to be an Everton fan, which could be pivitol in his decision as to which club to choose as the transfer window hots up.