Home Football 7 Things You Must Try At Half-time During A Football Match

7 Things You Must Try At Half-time During A Football Match

7 Things You Must Try At Half-time During A Football Match

Unlike the Super Bowl or any cricket match, the halftime break in a football match is mercifully short. You only have to wait for under 15 minutes for the action to start up again on the pitch. But as Einstein once said, time is relative. Unless you are watching the likes of Carragher and Neville doing the first half analysis, the punditry segment can seem like a terrible slog.

Think Robbie Savage plus Martin Keown, and you get a general idea. Plus there are all those ads you have to put up with. Bored much? Thankfully, there are plenty of other things you can get done during the halftime show during a football match. And some of these are so much fun that you run the risk of missing the second half in its entirety! (Not that it would be a bad idea, especially if you are a United fan these days).

Social Media capers

Have your fifteen minutes in the company of close friends, family, and followers simply by heading to any of the major social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. You can share your stabs of effort at punditry online. Or you can steer clear of football altogether and check out what others are doing, saying, and posting.

“Console” yourself

Do you play video games on either the PS4 or the Xbox? 15 minutes is more than enough time to fire off a quick round of FIFA (or PES if you are so inclined). If your team is losing, you can use this chance to right the wrongs! Otherwise, there are tons of quick casual games available for both consoles. Beware of playing the big AAA titles like God of War or The Last of Us Part II. They can reel you in making you forget all about the match!

Play at a Casino

No, we are not talking about you leaving the couch and heading to the nearest legal gambling establishment in your area. Casinos have become so advanced these days. They are available directly on your mobile and PC devices. There are even bitcoin casinos that allow you to sign up quickly in a matter of seconds and start playing instantly!

Dash to the kitchen

Snacks and finger foods are an integral part of any matchday viewing experience on TV. According to the UEFA, football fans across the European continent eat everything from sausages, chips, meat pies, nuts, and even sunflower seeds during halftime at stadiums. Back at your home, you could cook up at least some recipes within the 15-minute deadline.

Workout or just stretch

Spending a lot of time on the couch is definitely a bad idea for your body. This is especially true if you have been bingeing on snacks. Often, the best thing to do during halftime is to get serious about your body. You could start by doing something as simple ars getting off the couch and stretching your legs and back.

Get some fresh air

If you can head out to the yard or terrace, this is a great thing to do for the sake of your body and mind. Staying outdoors even for a few minutes can bring a host of benefits to your mood and overall alertness. Unless you live in a city with excess pollution, this is a great idea any day of the week.

Have fun with Friends/Kids

If you have your mates over for the game, you have tons of cool things you could consider doing. Board Games are always a great option, as are impromptu parties you throw with your friends. Be careful though, some of these can be very unpredictable. Console multiplayer, friendly wagers, bottles of beer, they are all possible activities you can try as a group to have fun.

There’s tons of stuff to do online

Football halftime shows are thankfully brief, but they still involve 15 minutes of your life. From reading the news to watching the latest trending videos, there are tons of stuff you can do online. You can hang with your friends, both offline and online, or even cook up quick snacks. There are plenty of options out there on things to do if you have a quarter of an hour on your hands.


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