Home Lists Top 10 Top 10 Most Overrated Footballers Right Now

Top 10 Most Overrated Footballers Right Now


1. Wayne Rooney – Manchester United

Wayne Rooney Manchester United Most Overrated Football Players In The World

Most Overrated Footballers Right Now? Now don’t misunderstand me here. Rooney can score the goals when he is available, and what I mean by that is Rooney has a tendency to go MIA during a match. He’s never where he is supposed to be, and if he not looking bored during games he’s blundering the ball in the most ridiculous situations, he makes mistakes all the time but they get downplayed by the hype over the 2 or 3 half decent plays he pulled off that year. Rooney must have a fortune of PR spent on him. he talks the talk but unfortunately he does not walk the walk.

And that’s my list of over rated players, what do you think? agree or disagree? would you add or take any one from the list?



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